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What does it mean to go from 3D to 5D?

The 3D Paradigm

We live in unprecedented times where a deep imbalance is felt by all.  It’s outside of us, it’s inside of us, it’s all around us. The era of the now is a recalibration of these imbalanced energetics back to balance.  It can feel violent, exhausting, liberating, and enlightening all at once. This is the force which is promulgating a shift from 3D to 5D.

The 3D world is a world of materiality.  It is the Matrix so to say, it consists of our jobs, our homes, our dysfunctional family units.  The 3D world is the machine, it is what we feel we ‘should’ do to fit in and keep the machine running. It lacks in authenticity, truth, and depth.  It is devoid of intuition- that feminine element within us all connected to the greater mystery that moves energy and doesn’t follow traditionally accepted rules of logic.  The world of 3D is controlled by a fear body that wants to maintain control at any cost. It was started by a hierarchal ruling religious order, and over time that order became internalized inside each and every one of us.  The old white ruling order does exist outside of ourselves and we can point to the finger to its dysfunction, but the truth is that this system over time has become internalized by each and every one of us, that is how it is perpetuated.  To internalize the 3D world means that we trust sources outside of ourselves to keep us safe.  It means that many times, we trust our jobs, a government, a father, a mother, a friend, anyone but ourselves and our own source connection.  The 3D works through the thinking mind, it works through comparison, as well as through logic and reason.  Our systems of control have created laws and mores, ways of being that are appropriate and within a ‘reasonable’ structure.  It’s how we weigh reality, and how we keep things moving in a particular order that perpetuates that power.  The way in which this paradigm has maintained its power is through the complete and utter obliteration of ones intuition.  

The shift to 5D is a recalibration and release of energy that has been deeply suppressed inside each and every one of us, as well as within the material world at large.  The 3D paradigm has all but destroyed our intuitive faculties— the yin part of our consciousness and world that receives information directly from source/cosmic consciousness/spirit.  

There is a great force in this universe that moves the cosmos, it creates the wave pattern that we see in ocean as well as the spiral of energetics that moves the energy of our galaxies.  This force we see outside of us, but it also works inside of us.   At its core, this force is LOVE.  It IS the flow.  If we surrender to this force and allow it to work through us, we are able to reach our highest potential in this lifetime.  This is the authentic and pure essence of creativity that transcends time and opens us to true and absolute evolution.  

The 3D reality we live in distorts this flow, which creates sickness, evil, and darkness.  The origins of evil are rooted in the distortion of this flow.  As we employ our thinking mind that is ruled by comparison and reason to shape our lives in order to ‘fit in’ we cut ourselves off from our own God self, the part of us that IS COSMIC.  This part is always moving, evolving, shifting, and growing.  Whenever we make a choice to do something out of shame or guilt, or because we know that if we did not move in that direction we may be rejected from our community or family, we employ the shadow and shut ourselves off from the energetics of LOVE, God, the natural order, the cosmic consciousness, the flow, and of truth.  As we cut ourselves off from our own truth and unique, beautiful, authentic expression in order to ‘fit in’ and be accepted by our peers and families, our wounding grows.  

Our wounds are the part of us that we hide in order to fit in.  That light goes somewhere underground, and remains hidden to the world, and suppressed.  Much of the sickness of the world, physical and spiritual is based in this origin.  Our wounds are also the parts of ourselves that we cannot hide, and that do not fit in- and because of this we are rejected.  This is the core wound of humanity that gets perpetuated generation through generation, the distortion of the flow or of the pure cosmic light and inspiration that comes through our being and intuition is snuffed out and a deep pain is the result.  This deep pain manifests itself in the need to control and dominate others or abuse others as a result.  All abuse is a manifestation of the deep pain of hiding ones authentic self and light in order to fit in.  The more that is hidden, the deeper the level of pain and the larger shadow and darkness that results.  

The Age of Aquarius + 5D

Enter the age of Aquarius.  There is a two-thousand year astrological cycle that ushers in a new era of consciousness and we are in the midst of that transition.  The transition of this new age is in conjunction with the energetics of 5D. Aquarius energy is the complete transformation from hierarchal orders to circular structures.  There is no longer one person at the top, creating slave culture and ‘better than’ energetics, instead the circle manifests where all of us get a piece of the pie. Because there is a new level of individuation and authentic expression, the need to compete for 1st place becomes obsolete.  We begin to honor the individual expression every single person offers, and signs of conformity are denied.  

Aquarian energetics are rooted in the health and wholeness of all humanity. The Star card in the tarot represents this energy- it holds a direct link to our cosmic heritage.  Aquarian energy is focused on the future. It employs technologies we haven’t yet fully accessed; technologies outside as well as inside of ourselves.  We can see this with the advent of AI and the extreme advancement of all kinds of external technologies it procures.  Simultaneously, humanity responds with the quickening and advancement of our intuitive faculties coming to fruition.   

The virtues of Aquarius are centered in originality, freedom, authenticity, decentralization, individuation, future technology, and the health of the collective amongst others.   It is impossible for the old paradigm of hierarchies that perpetuated the good/bad, patriarchal, and casted level of human experience to continue.  What we will see in this new era is an era of humans beginning to detach from external structures of power.  This detachment in our social structures may show itself in our closest circles of friends, family unit, government (or lack thereof) affiliations, religious/spiritual tribe, and anywhere we choose to devote our time and energy as we begin to trust our own connection to source and truth.  Through this process we learn to assimilate a deeper level of human experience.  We begin to allow ourselves to lift the veil on our hidden wounds and shadow nature that stifled our consciousness and forced us to operate from a space of constricted awareness.  As we come more fully into ourselves and begin to outwardly express our internal truth- we become more connected to source and its connection to unconditional love known in the Greek language as ‘Agape’.  As more love begins to pour through us; being assimilated into every cell,  we begin to open to the cosmic parts of ourselves that were inhibited by false narratives that we had acquired in our three dimensional material reality.  As we begin to assimilate our energy with that of the cosmic plane we become unbound from from the lower vibration of the purely material world and become more in tune with our true essence and purpose for existence which had been hidden in plane sight.  We open our consciousness to other modes of communication and communion and we ascend to new levels of awareness.  This newly reborn level awareness centered in the universal cosmic plane of existence is what 5D reality is.  It is the remembrance of our own source connection and our own God selves, it is the reclamation of ones own true sovereignty and authenticity in this time/space reality. 

What is paradoxically interesting  is that as we begin to detach from the old paradigm of hierarchal control and conformity, and reclaim our inner awareness, connection to the cosmos, and our own unique voice and authenticity.  Through this process of individuation we  simultaneously merge with the collective energy field known as unity consciousness.  This may sound a bit strange and uncomfortable at first but it is inherently and uniquely true.  As we reclaim our own original and individual connection to source, we simultaneously merge with the collective flow because we are tuning into the unified field of source energy that is deeply rooted in Love.  All of us here on planet Earth are beautiful one-of-a-kind expressions of cosmic consciousness.  There is a greater unified energy field that comes through us internally which we relearn to  express externally. As we reach higher and higher into the ethers we may begin to feel that we are all individual expressions of the one universal source/love/consciousness.    

What about 4D?

In a linear paradigm which we have been structured towards here on planet earth it  makes sense to question why we went from 3D to 5D without moving into 4D first.  4D is not something that is talked about a ton, and I didn’t have a firm grasp on it until I had a very powerful

dream that illustrated it so clearly for me.  I will share that dream here: 

I was somehow captured and kidnapped by a cult that was hidden.  They put me and others in hotel room 4D.  They were going to kill me, they were going to kill everyone, there was a bunch of us and a bunch of them.  I rebelled and fought back.  I threw stuff at them, I hit them.  In response they tried to anesthetize me with this powder that came out of a velvet bag meant to intoxicate me and make me compliant to conform to their wishes. When they threw this golden powder at me I put up my arm and said, your magic doesn’t work on me, your potion doesn’t work on me, I block you, I block you, I block you.  I kept pushing back and then people started following me and doing what I was doing and I became the leader and got us out of there.  It was really scary, they were doing rituals, they would torture you as part of the ritual.  They kept trying to do it on me but it didn’t work.  I stole someones phone and called the police I was in a hotel in suite, 4D. 

This dream was so intense, but it illustrated the energetics of 4D so clearly to me. It’s when certain people/energies/groups become aware of magic and how to manipulate subtle energies but then use them to affect and manipulate the 3D to their liking. It’s the origin of dark magic, and is used all throughout our technological programming from reality shows to the political arena.  Politics is where I see it the most, used on every side.  Much of it is still connected to the ego and the matrix, and thus hoping to gain power OVER versus unifying together to transcend wounding and celebrate the authentic power of each and every individual.  4D is a step to awakening to ones own God power and connection to the cosmos but it is still under egoic incentive meaning it works to uphold the personality and identity one has created inside of the matrix— false 3D world of self.  

Because consciousness is ascending so quickly, we are transcending the energetics of 4D and moving into a unity consciousness.  Many people still work with 4D energetics to manipulate energies to their will here on earth, but it is not in service to the larger collective unifying field of consciousness that is able to transcend duality and hold opposing truths simultaneously.  

A New Earth

It is a wild and powerful time to be alive here on planet earth.  We have gotten so far out of balance, that a complete and total shift in human consciousness is the only thing that will bring us back to a place of homeostasis.  Humanity has lost its way, as we are destroying the planet and ourselves on many different levels.  “Business as usual” has shown itself to be extraordinarily toxic and the entire life paradigm we have created around ‘business’ has got to change.  A fundamental uprooting of money, wealth, power, and materialism in service of a worship of energetics, cosmic heritage, unity, and transcendental love is what we are in the process of letting go and embracing.  It requires ALL of us to surrender the things we once held dear, the things that kept our egos safe.  Every kind of hierarchal structure is going through a massive transformation right now, the age of the slave is now ending, we are entering the era of the human as we honor our own truth, prioritize authentic expression, connect directly to our cosmic heritage, disentangle ourselves from patriarchal religious, corporate, and medical structures, and rekindle our deepest connection to source and spirit.   This process is sticky, weird, and can be as equally painful as it is extraordinarily liberating.  This is a sacred era.  It is a time for all of us to realize our own God potential, retracting ourselves from worshipping false idols and gods outside of ourselves and realizing we are the truest expression of this energy and our own individual connection is paramount.  We are all becoming shamans, we are all becoming shapeshifters and energy workers, even if it doesn’t feel like it.  If this energy is tapped and truly seen and received, there is no greater empowerment that exists.  We are all rekindling our connection to source, and the ancients as we all now have a kind of sovereignty we never did before.  The ancients are coming alive again, through us.  Trusting ourselves and our own connection to source is the only path forward, as we do this we honor the divinity inside of ourselves and the powerful light of consciousness that is awakening through every single one of us.  WE are the EXPRESSION of this shift in consciousness, it is not happening TO us it is happening THROUGH us.  Taking responsibility is the turning point.  Owning our power is the absolute key.  

There are two worlds being simultaneously created as of now.  One of syntropy and one of entropy.  The syntropy world is of the future, it employs the light, engages the new frequencies, engages and recalibrates the energetics of the divine feminine, and honors life and the distinct and beautiful sovereign and authentic expression of light through every cell here on earth, human and non-human alike.  It is the energy of ascension and is incredibly exciting and life-giving. The entropy timeline opposes this.  It is focused on darkness, division, comparison, appearances, materiality, war, money, and is ruled by fear.  It refuses to see the energy behind all matter and the power we as sovereign and energetic beings have to shift the vibration of that energy.  It lives in hierarchies and is tortured by power-over instead of power from within.  It highlights all the ways in which there is real and true division in this world and focuses and vibrates on that division.  

What you focus on, you become.  If we focus on the dissolving world of the 3D we will dissolve with it, if we focus on the new energetics and light coming in, we we will merge with the light and evolve with it.  These two timelines, the entropy and syntropy timeline- are what the 3D to 5D energetics are.  They are two timelines that will exist simultaneously, you may in one day see the darkest and most tragic pain that exists and in that same day feel the most uplifting miracles and transcendental awareness of time/space. That is happening a lot these days, it feels bipolar and extreme. To allow for the truth that both these worlds will simultaneously exist is to open to paradox, the energetics beyond duality.  Two worlds and two truths are simultaneously existing, its whichever one we choose to vibrate with that we will be adding/evolving into.  Getting our energy straight and our focus clear will help pave the way.  We have a choice of which field of energy we will be vibrating into and adding our consciousness and energy to.  What we believe we will perceive.  It is our sacred duty as conscious individuals to open to the light.  It doesn’t mean darkness doesn’t exist, what it means is that we are choosing life and the evolution of light on this planet.  The light of consciousness and transcendental awareness.  The light of the future, of unity, and of energy.  As we begin to take responsibility for our own energy field, we claim our sovereignty and disentangle ourselves from the old 3D matrix.  We claim our energy and remember we have the power to shape our lives, we are not victims, we are creators.  Now is the time of awakening, awakening to our own inner light, and the light of the cosmos that lives inside of us.  

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