Shadow Empowerment Work
Shadow empowerment work is integral to Chase’s entire Witchy Bitch philosophy. After she herself had been down every healing road, searching far and wide for wholeness it wasn't until she came across shadow work that her entire world opened up. Through Shadow Empowerment Work Chase began to access the hidden parts of herself, the parts she hid from even herself, the parts she did not want to identify with. When she finally opened herself up to her own darkness, the entirety of her light was able to be seen. The highest levels of abundance, worth, and power became accessible to her as she faced her deepest fears and moved forward with grace and power. She wishes to share this with the world, as it is our shadow that holds the true key to our own awakening, intuition, power, and evolution. This is her deepest prayer for every person to reconcile their own darkness so that they may begin to live a more authentic, present, and ultimately guided life in tune with the Divine.
Witchy Bitch: Shadow Sessions
WB Shadow sessions uses the same outline for the WB Program but adds a 'shadow element' for every week. This assists us in diving even deeper into the parts of ourselves that have held us back from actualizing into the truth of our authentic being.
Week 1: Establishing the Connection, Feeling Blessed Protected and Guided
Shadow Element: Vulnerability
In this first week of the program we work on cultivating a true living, breathing relationship with the Divine. We review what an altar is, and the power it has to literally create spiritual space in our lives. Our altar becomes our 'spiritual seat' and serves as a foundation for the rest of our work to flow. I introduce the power of connecting with heartfelt sincerity to Spirit and how we can use this to open to the highest good coming to and through us. I will introduce the concept of ritual and how we can use this as a healing practice on our spiritual journey.
Shadow Element: Vulnerability
Simply sitting at your altar requires a level of vulnerability Yet, in order to get to our depths we must be able to express our deepest fears, desires, and sorrow. Vulnerability means that you allow yourself to be truly seen. In our culture we are taught that being vulnerable is being weak but its truth is the opposite; one can only transcend their conditioning by not allowing themselves to be vulnerable. We must crack our own shells in order to allow the light to come in. The safest and deepest we can truly go with ourselves is only when witnessed and held by Spirit.
Week 2: Accessing and Opening to your Divine Intuitive Power
Shadow Element: Control
In this week, we begin to open to our own deep, intuitive power. This is a power that is based in the feeling realm, not in any kind of rational realm. I teach you what your intuition is and how integrating trust of this power is a true spiritual practice. I introduce my deepest core belief that we are guided by a high benevolent energy that when we begin to surrender and open to it, can change our entire lives. Intuition when accessed and honored for the power it holds, is the truest healing power of any woman. Its the sacred core of true Witch Power.
Shadow Element: Control
In order for us to be able to become guided and led by Spirit, we must face our deepest fears of letting go of control. This is terrifying to most people as our entire paradigm is based in keeping things under control, under our own human limitation and doing. Examining this shadow aspect brings us closer to understanding our own fear around releasing control and how true liberation comes when we learn this beautiful art, giving Spirit the space and permission to give us what is truly meant for us, not what we have been conditioned to believe we 'need'.
Week 3 + 4: Deep Diving- Shedding Light on our own Darkness
Shadow Element: Anger
In this week, we open to the energy of our own shadow. What this means, is to begin to "dismantle the propensity of othering" as author Toko-pa Turner calls it. I discuss how accessing and opening to our own shadow is where the greatest well of condensed power lives inside of us. I believe the shadow holds a key to our own enlightenment. I review the concepts of accessing our humility and how integrating shadow work makes us more transparent as a spiritual being. I discuss how within our deepest pain resides our most profound evolution. I will share with you my story and encourage you to bravely walk yours.
Shadow Element: Anger
Anger can arise within us that is born out of injustice and when felt like that, is justified anger. Yet most of us walk around, angry and spiteful when underneath the anger if closely examined resides wounding. The dance with all of this and the path to becoming truly awakened lies in allowing ourselves to feel the anger while simultaneously beginning a true process of inquiry with it. Anger when given space to truly be felt and seen, is just a marker for us to begin to look at where in our lives we still feel small, taken advantage of, of what people and what situations make us feel small.
Week 5: The Truth Really Does Set Your Free- Wild Authenticity as a Way of Life
Shadow Element: Over-giving
In this week, we will explore the idea of beginning to embody a more authentic life and think about what it means to live a life in which we 'walk our talk'. We will explore the ideas of rebellion and rewilding, both concepts to enliven and empower the soul. We explore the virtue of integrity and what it looks like to live a life in our integrity.
Shadow Element: Over-giving
In order to begin to realize where in our lives we are over giving, even to the smallest degree, we must begin to allow ourselves to tune into the truth of how we feel about certain situations. Because women have been so programmed for so long to over-give, beginning to wake up to this imbalance is like coming out of a trance. When we over-give we generally feel exhausted, depleted, and angry.
Week 6: Opening to the Goddess- Divine Receptivity and Pleasure
Shadow Element: Worthiness
In this week, we will begin to explore the energy of receptivity, and how we can truly begin to invite it in through pleasure. Pleasure is someting that comes in may forms, and the more we can begin to focus and open to it in all areas of our life, the more we open to the true concept of prosperity and abundance. Opening to the power and wisdom of sensuousness. Anxiety and Depression are ways of keeping pleasure out. In this week we reframe the power in receptivity and learn how to invite in the good so that we may begin to live a more joyful, fulfilling life.
Shadow Element: Worthiness
Because women have gathered their sense of self worth through serving, it is very hard for us to fully learn how to receive, we have not been programmed to feel worthy to. Coming to terms with our own deeper levels of unworthiness is hard and takes true vulnerability and humility. It’s looking at the places in our lives where we feel uncomfortable receiving.
Week 7: Shedding your Skin, Embodied Transformation for a New Era
Shadow Element: Perfectionism
In this week we will integrate all of the teachings we have learned in The Witchy Bitch Program. We will unite all of the lessons and look at where in our lives we can begin to embody the change we so wish to see in the world. Integrating the virtues of prayer, trust, humility, integrity, joy, and pleasure we will unite all of these aspects and hopefully leave the program with a deep and renewed trust in the world guided by a deeper sense of ourselves and thus our true purpose.
Shadow Element: Perfectionism
Perfectionism is the silent darkness that keeps us from allowing ourselves to be in our truth; imperfect, messy, and human. No human is perfect, if we were we would be machines. We will confront our perfectionism head on, and see what lies beneath it, a deep fear that we aren't enough as we truly are.